An office isn't only a place for work. A slight bit of socializing goes on even in the busiest work environment. Holidays, birthday parties, and other special events mean workers and managers can relax a little and have some cake, coffee, and donuts. Unfortunately, eating sweets can also mean spilling and dropping the desserts. When sugary food hits the floor or spills elsewhere, give the nightly janitorial services a heads up. This way, the right cleaning job will get done.
Food Spills and Worse Problems
Everyone probably worries about spilled food attracting pests and rodents. Few may feel concern about something they don't readily see or think about—bacteria. Desserts dropped on a floor provide bacteria with the food necessary to grow. Imagine the spilled center of a jelly donut sitting hidden under a desk from Friday afternoon and all through the weekend. You don't want things like this missed by the cleaning crew.
Lend an Assist to the Janitorial Staff
Be a little proactive and inform the cleaning crew about mishaps, spills, and messes. This way, the janitorial pros come a little extra prepared. No matter how seemingly small the spill or drop is, contact a representative for the janitorial services and let them know what happened. Mention what fell and where. Don't send an email or a text message either. Call the service on the phone and speak to someone. This way, you know someone received the information.
The Cleaning Crew Makes Adjustments
You may feel the current janitorial staff is so downright excellent that the crew will do a great job whether informed or not. Don't assume anything. Letting the cleaning team know about food spills allows them to make a few adjustments for better cleanups. Maybe a slight change such as switching an attachment on a vacuum cleaner hose would be in order. The different attachment could better pick up food debris on the floor. And perhaps the crew feels the need to spray an antibacterial disinfectant on the floor or perform a steam cleaning. The cleanup might take some more time than expected as well. You might be aware of one or two spills, but there may be more. So, the crew opts to move furniture around for a more thorough cleaning. Starting the job an hour earlier may help the cleaning cause.
Extra Help Means Better Results
Don't assume the extra work represents an overreaction. Biting into a jelly donut and sending the grape jelly to an office floor is what the unseen menace of bacteria wants. Keep bacteria to a minimum by giving the cleaning crew the maximum help.
Contact a company that offers janitorial services to learn more.